Jyothi Caterers offer a comprehensive indoor and outdoor wedding catering service in Hyderabad. They know how to manage the emotional disappointment related to the cancellation of any weddings or showers, or anything alike due to the second wave of COVID!
People connected with the wedding industry, including wedding caterers, face a loss in income in such a terrible COVID situation. They have been struggling to keep their businesses up and running, during this unprecedented time! But leading wedding caterers in Hyderabad like Jyothi Caterers have the experience of remaining far from the coronavirus pandemic situation. They know a better way to handle wedding catering and work hard to make their lives changed. They assist clients in remaining far from the coronavirus pandemic situation. They bring exemplary service to change the lives of their clients in such a terrible situation. Most of the weddings for 2021 have been postponed indefinitely due to mass restriction. Jyothi Caterers also accommodate all of their clients’ requests in any adverse situation or if there is a delay! They built a reputation on hard work, and hopefully, a few unfortunate weeks or months will not deter their service!
The current second wave COVID situation affects the catering industry and every vendor related to such business. The wedding dates are usually already booked up months in advance. But the present situation involves numerous uncertainties, anxiety and issues of scheduling conflicts. Jyothi Caterers are the leading wedding caterers in Hyderabad, working for years and have a whole wedding catering business. They can handle every situation very carefully to please the clients and their guests. Because of the coronavirus, they came to a standstill situation. Jyothi Caterers is still delivering quality food without compromising the COVID restrictions. This way, they not only fulfill the client’s need but keep their staff and other vendors employed.
“As the coronavirus pandemic continues, cities bring restriction on large gatherings and ask people to follow proper social distancing guidelines. Unsurprisingly, tit will bring a major slowdown in the wedding industry. Many people postponing their big day events from May to July or even October due to lack of celebrating atmosphere. Most of those weddings are now being scheduled for year-end. We understand the necessity of the situation and plan to make certain arrangement for our client. We are trying to make the best of the situation by taking some personal time with my family and planning for next day. We ready to take the consent of our clients and postpone the wedding catering that are booked up earlier or that are initially booked for this summer! Although it will definitely cause a big setback for our operations. Still, we consider our client interest and never compromise with our professionalism. We are trying our best to put clients or couples at ease and accommodate all of their requests.” Say spokesperson for Jyothi Caterers.
About the Company
Jyothi Caterers is a leading wedding caterer in Hyderabad that offers an extravagant food itinerary to meet each & every catering need for clients in Hyderabad.
Contact information
Jyothi Caterers
Phone: +91 9296659876, +91 9985504988
Email: arvapalli.sandeep2001@gmail.com